Wren AI @ Hacktoberfest 2024

Hacktoberfest 2024 is here from Oct 1 till Oct 31, and we're inviting developers of all levels to join our open-source community. Together, we'll build Wren AI as a friendly community for all.

Why Participate?

Be part of the community

Join a supportive network of like-minded people who share your passion for open-source development. Join our open souce community on Discord!

Share your skills & knowledge

Contribute to an open-source project to help others and showcase your abilities.

Get hands-on experience

Get hands-on experience with Wren AI projects and get more in-depth learning in AI and data knowledge.

Where to start?

Try Wren AI & Say Hi on Discord!

First, install Wren AI and try it out! You can join our open source community on Discord, and say "Hi!". Let us know if you need any help! We are here to help you get started!

Check issues with tags Hacktoberfest

Check our GitHub Repository go to the issues and filter out issues with Hacktoberfect.

Start with contributing new data sources

Expand the data sources Wren AI can interact with, learn how here. You can see what other data sources have been requested by the community here.

UI improvements & Features in Wren AI 

Contribute to UI improvements or features that help enhance the user experience of Wren UI. If you have great idea hope we should promote it as "hacktoberfest" issues, let us know in the Discord #hacktoberfest channel!

Let us know what you want to work on

You could either comment on the issue or let our team know what you want to work on, so the our team can assign the issue to you on Github. Making sure contributors are not working on solving the same issues.

Submit your Pull/merge requests & Star Wren AI

Check out our contribution guidelines before you start developing. After you submit your PR, make sure to resolve all the suggestions made by the Wren AI contributors to finalize your contribution! And don't forget to star and share our project if you like it.

only eligible for contributions made from Oct 1 to Oct 31
and for pull requests that are successfully merged.

Win Exclusive Swag Pack & Hacktoberfest 2024 Holopin Rewards!

Holopin from digital ocean

Be sure to register on Hacktoberfest 2024 to also obtain the digital badge from Digital Ocean  and Holopin.

Wren AI Exclusive Swag Pack!

We will be providing Wren AI Exclusive Swag Pack! (T-shirts & Hat!) as a sign of appreciation to our contributors.


On November 12, we will celebrate all the contributions made by the community in our Discord.

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